Mardi Thomas Goodman

mardi_thomas_video video Jan 01, 2023

"The purpose of life is to expand our capacity to give and receive love"

- Mardi Thomas Goodman

This video is Mardi Thomas Goodman who has been a psychotherapist for over 40 years and is currently President of Tricore Consulting.  She provides in-depth relational consulting. Mardi is one of my biggest mentors and friends.

To watch the full interview please CLICK HERE


KEY MESSAGE - The purpose of life is to expand our capacity to give and receive LOVEâ €
1. You need to know your story.

2. "We save a special layer of emotional garbage for the people closest to us.  Which usually means our mates and our children.  Much of this special layer is related to childhood issues."

3. When we have empathy for the child within, and we know our triggers, we can give voice to what we need, what we want, and what we feel.  Which leads to emotionally healthy relationships. â € â €

4. Learn to feel.  Yes, it’s uncomfortable.  Being present to our feelings has many benefits:
 "Our pain heals us as it works its way through our bodies"

5. As your ability to lovingly tolerate and be with your own pain and fear grows, you will be able to sit with and tolerate your children's fear and pain. "Walk beside them, so they are not alone in it"

6. There is no "there".  It is not about the destination, its the journey.

7. The goal is peace, not happiness